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 What Happens if I Need a Dental Implant But My Jawbone Is Weak?

 What Happens if I Need a Dental Implant But My Jawbone Is Weak?

Even a single missing tooth can affect your oral health, including your ability to eat and speak clearly and your gum health. Dental implants are a great option to replace missing teeth.

One of the requirements for dental implants is that you have enough bone density to support the implant. However, the loss of bone density is a common side effect of missing teeth and gum disease.

The good news is that options are available to prepare you for a dental implant. Our team of dentists and specialists at 2K Dental offers cosmetic and general dentistry services from three convenient locations in Parma, Aurora, Akron, Cuyahoga Falls, and Cleveland, Ohio.

Am I a good candidate for dental implants?

Dental implants are the closest replica to your natural teeth. They replace the root of a missing tooth as well as the crown. 

Once in place, the implant fuses with the surrounding bone tissue, anchoring it in place and preventing bone loss. 

To qualify for dental implants, you need to be in good health and have enough bone density to support them. If you have pre-existing oral health problems like cavities or gum disease, our dentists may recommend treatment before you get your implants.

Our dentists will perform a thorough dental exam and diagnostic testing to determine if you’re a good candidate.

What can be done when your jawbone is too weak for a dental implant?

When you don’t have enough bone tissue to support a dental implant, a bone graft can help. Tooth loss, gum disease, or trauma can cause bone loss. The good news is that a bone graft restores bone density. 

The graft tissue is usually sourced from your own body or that of a human or animal donor. Some bone grafts are also prepared from synthetic materials.

In some cases, part of the sinus membrane drops and blocks the empty socket of missing back molars. In this case, a sinus lift is necessary to make room for the implant.

The bone graft procedure is common and straightforward. You’ll receive a topical anesthetic to numb the area and keep you comfortable during the procedure. We will make a small incision and perform a thorough cleaning before applying the graft to your jawbone.

Once you've healed from the bone graft procedure, you can begin the dental implant process.

Implants are applied in several stages, and the entire process will take several months.

With good oral hygiene and regular follow-up dental care, implants have a high success rate and last longer than other dental restorations.

For more information about dental implants and to find out if they’re a good option for you, contact us today to schedule an appointment at one of our convenient locations in Parma, Aurora, Akron, Cuyahoga Falls, and Cleveland, Ohio.

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